Introducing my fellow World Vision Bloggers…

Introducing my fellow World Vision Bloggers… September 14, 2013

Today is our last day in Guatemala. But before I write one more post considering all that we’ve seen and all that I’m taking back with me to the States, I want to share with you some of the posts my fellow blogger/travelers have written about our time in Guatemala. These bloggers are some pretty incredible people. So happy to share them with you.


Zach Hunt wrote about worship and taking communion from the hands of a generous abuela (in the form of crackers and 7-Up).

Jamie Wright wrote about what happens when women are empowered to help other women in their communities.

Shelby Zacharias shared about the Guide Mother program and explained more specifically how World Vision uses local volunteer mothers for training and prevention of childhood malnutrition.

Roo Ciambriello shared the story of sisters Monica and Dina, and asked the question: “How many in the US are rich in possessions, rich in things, but poor in spirit?

Jessica Shyba wrote about her connection to the mothers and grandmothers of her sponsored children and how she discovered a beautiful common denominator: “We are the the caretakers of our communities.”


Caleb Wilde shared his hope that the children he sponsors here in Guatemala will “have the opportunity to believe and dream for stability and health.  They can break the cycle of generational poverty.  They can raise a family, play airplane with their children and let the sounds of laughter wash away the terrors of the world.”

And Matthew Paul Turner prayed, “God, help me to feel this day,” because “Sometimes poverty is difficult to feel.”


I’ve been honored to share this trip with such a diverse group of writers. And I hope you love hearing their perspectives as much as I have.


All photos by Matthew Paul Turner.

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