July 2, 2012

Here’s a recap of last week’s major highlights from the missional conversation: Wild Goose Festival 2012 continues to reverberate for those of us who were there for the East Coast rendition last week. I’ve been doing a bit of curating to pull together the best links/articles, videos, and tweets, as well as posting some more of my own personal reflections. Yes, The Missional Church Needs a Deep Theology stirred up some good cross-channel discussion. I’m especially grateful to Dr. Kyle... Read more

July 1, 2012

At the risk of creating an irreversible irony vortex, I’m going to post something completely frivolous and funny directly after posting the uber-serious “Yes, The Missional Church Needs A Deep Theology.” Consider this your Sunday funny … Taken from an anti-missional “heresy hunter” website, which thankfully still has a sense of humor: For years there has been a discussion among missiologists and linguists concerning the proper translation of certain biblical passages into various languages in the entire world. Now, with... Read more

June 29, 2012

That’s what Dr. Kyle Roberts argued yesterday over at the Cultivare blog (on the Evangelical channel of Patheos) in his post “How Theological Is the ‘Missional Church’?” He writes, “Reading about the origin of the modern movement in the theology of [Karl] Barth — and theological missiologists — makes me wonder how much of the missional church / missional theology movement is currently grounded in a deep theology? How pervasive, within the movement, is a reflective (and critical) theological articulation... Read more

June 28, 2012

Missional church planter Susan Rogers writes, “The longer I am engaged in creating and leading a missional community … the more I believe that we all have and need to foster our artistic energies.” She offers three pieces of advice on embracing your inner artist as a missional community host/organizer: We need more failures. — “It will take lots of good ideas to land on the one that makes a difference in our churches and communities.” We need to believe... Read more

June 27, 2012

Dale Lature, from CommuniCast.tv, was at Wild Goose Festival 2012 last week, speaking about Occupy Theology and interviewing people about the Occupy movement. In this interview, Jonathan Wilson-Hartgrove shares his thoughts: “The things that excite me right now are the little experiments that are happening, where people are forming new kinds of communities. People are praying and working together, are gardening together, are doing new economies, practicing for the world to come. That’s the most exciting thing that’s happening right... Read more

June 26, 2012

Here’s a late Monday night recap of last week’s major highlights from the missional conversation: The second annual Wild Goose Festival has come to a close, and I’m back home now, showered (once again), and putting together this late edition. One of the many highlights of this year’s East Coast festival for me was on the first night when I had the honor of introducing Shane Claiborne and friends (including fellow leader of new monasticism Jonathan Wilson-Hartgrove), who were there... Read more

June 23, 2012

I remember when I worked for Billy Graham, we would talk about ways to make the Gospel message as ubiquitous globally as Coca-Cola. Practically anywhere you go in the world, you can find Coca-Cola. Outside of printing a Gospel message on cans of Coke, how would you do that? (we would ask ourselves) Well, the “missional drink that changed the world” is not Coke actually — it’s Guinness beer! And since I’ll be spending a good bit of my time... Read more

June 22, 2012

Alex Absalom and Greg Nettle have co-authored a new e-book entitled One Of: Beginning the Missional Journey, which documents “the first part of the story of the transition that RiverTree has gone through in recent years.” As Alex describes the book, “Greg writes about the journey that the church went through from being just For people, to being With them, to (crucially) becoming One Of, and thus enabling the Holy Spirit to come and live In them, so that they... Read more

June 21, 2012

I’m hitting the road this morning to head to Shakori Hills campground, near Pittsboro, North Carolina (outside of Raleigh-Durham), for the second annual Wild Goose Festival. So I won’t be around for the next four days to engage in the comments, but I will be scheduling some posts so please keep reading, sharing, and commenting (I promise I’ll respond when I get back, early next week). If you’re anywhere within driving distance, it’s not too late to jump in your... Read more

June 20, 2012

Would you spend $135 on a missional church book? How about $1,579.60?! That’s how much a handful of used copies of Dr. Francis DuBose’s book God Who Sends: A Fresh Quest for Biblical Mission are going for on Amazon these days. (Please someone order a copy via my Amazon affiliate link, pretty please? *wink*) Published 29 years ago this month, DuBose’s book was the first to coin the use of the word “missional” in the 20th century, according to Andrew... Read more

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