WEEKLY ROUNDUP: More news to challenge and encourage about faith and work

WEEKLY ROUNDUP: More news to challenge and encourage about faith and work December 1, 2014

paper boyA Monday roundup of great articles that are worth your time to read, ponder, share, or even argue with.  This week’s list:

  1. Gratitude Pie @ Work. What do we have at work that we can express gratitude for, John Pletcher asks?
  2. In Pursuit of Excellence. Constantine Campbell recommends some books on how to be excellent–and what being excellent means.  (Part of a whole series on the theology of achievement.)
  3. Want a Job? Follow the Market. Mike Rowe’s famous Facebook “rant” about (not) doing what you love, in case you missed it the first time around.
  4. Christians Ought to Occupy Wall Street: An oldie but goodie from Jordan Ballor, which came to our attention via commentary on another interesting article, The Occupational Hazards of Working on Wall Street: “When you start your career you might think you are setting out to change the world, but the world is far more likely to change you.”
  5. Faith, Art, and Vocation: An Interview With Nate Risdon. The church’s mixed track record on encouraging faithful artists to explore their art.
  6. The Poor Are Not Middle Class: Are there “hidden rules” of class? And what do they have to do with the fight against poverty?
  7. Give Us This Day Our Daily Brew: Why is the church so tied to the starting of coffeeshops?
  8. Letter to My Younger Self: Richard Eck, 80-year-old retired rubber company entrepreneur, on the three crucial things we all need to succeed in life.
  9. Ten Easy Pieces: If you love Nathan Roberts on The High Calling, here’s his entertaining roundup of everything he wrote on his 2014 “summer vacation.”
  10. Evangelism is Not Working–Why? Mark Greene wonders if the Great Commission is getting hung up at the workplace door.


Image: “Extra, Extra (The Paper Boy),” John George Brown. Courtesy of the Grohmann Museum at the Milwaukee School of Engineering.

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