Here’s a cheerful thought for #taxday: money doesn’t exist

Here’s a cheerful thought for #taxday: money doesn’t exist April 18, 2016


So I just finished my taxes last week, and I couldn’t help thinking of this wonderful quote from my friend and fellow blogger Sarah Conrad Sours as I filed them:

Money is just a convenient fiction.

I like to imagine that this is what Jesus was trying to do with his famous “render therefore unto Caesar” saying.  Look on all creation and marvel at what God can make!  Look at people and figs and stars and onions and fish.  Look at the ideas God can come up with!  Justice and mercy and sex and childbirth and lactation and sunrises and worthy work and friendship.

And look at Caesar, bless his heart.  This economic system, this political nightmare, this collection of weapons, this puny little coin stamped with a crude image of a man making utterly ludicrous claims to divinity–that’s the best he can do with all his power.  Let him have it if he wants it.  It’s nothing, compared with what God can make, with what God has given, with what God asks of you.

Go read her whole post, now. (And then go postmark what needs to be postmarked for Caesar.)

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