My Year In Photos: September

My Year In Photos: September December 22, 2014


The first half of September was spent getting ready for the young adult retreat, Bayou Awakening. I was part of a more behind-the-scenes staff, but I also gave my first retreat talk. It’s hard to believe that in 2013, I went to Bayou as a retreat attendant and now I devote my time as a staff member.

Something I learned was that even before I even thought about going to Bayou, there were people praying for me. Some of my friends from college were part of the Bayou staff, but some of them were just praying for me as a future attendant and they never even met me. I paid it forward by praying for them and future retreaters myself.

I think the best thing I can say about Bayou Awakening is that I found a whole new set of friends. With my college friends moving across the country, getting jobs, or getting married, the most I ever talk to them is on Facebook. Although I don’t see my new set of friends every day, I can at least see them outside of the internet once a month at least. But more importantly, like my college friends, they keep me growing in my faith.

A few months later, I would find out just how amazing my friends can be. But that’s another story.

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