Marian Consecration: The 33 Day Spiritual Boot Camp

Marian Consecration: The 33 Day Spiritual Boot Camp February 20, 2015

I’ve mentioned Marian Consecration on this blog before as a type of devotional. Today is the beginning of the 33 Day Marian Consecration that ends on the feast of the Annunciation. If you so choose to, you can start today with me or pick another Marian feast day later in the year. For this post, I’ll talk about where the Marian Consecration came from and how you can start.

The full title of Marian Consecration is “Consecration to Jesus Through Mary.” It originated with St. Louis de Montfort. You can read more about him in his profile from the Star Quest Production Network. St. Louis de Montfort claimed that a true devotion to Mary is the “short, easy, secure, and perfect” way to become a saint. Saints who have consecrated themselves to Mary include Blessed Mother Teresa, St. Maximilian Kolbe, and St. John Paul II. Ever wondered where JP2’s motto of “Totus Tuus” came from? It originates from the prayer of renewing the Marian Consecration.

It’s a little daunting, I know. And it also raises suspicions of Marian worship on Protestant radars. I get it. Hear me out here. Or rather, listen to what Mary said in her Magnificat:

Behold, from now on will all ages call me blessed.

The Mighty One has done great things for me,

and holy is his name. (Luke 1: 48-49)

Now fast forward to when she’s standing at the Cross with John the Apostle and Jesus said to John “Behold, your mother,” (John 19:27). He wasn’t just saying this to John. John was acting as a representative of us. Jesus essentially gave His mother to us to be our spiritual mother. Through the Consecration, we can ask Mary to help us become closer to Jesus. After all, who was closer to Jesus than the one who gave birth to him, raised him, and loved him?

When I started on my Marian Consecration, I used 33 Days to Morning Glory by Fr. Michael Gaitley. It’s a great resource for beginners. For those looking for more of a challenge, you can use St. Louis de Montfort’s Preparation for Total Consecration. If you’re a fan of JPII, there’s Totus Tuus: A Consecration to Jesus through Mary with Blessed John Paul II. Trust me when I say you won’t lack for resources when it comes to the Consecration. 

The photo prompt for today is “suffering.” I decided to share a painting of the Pieta, to tie in the Marian Consecration with Lenten Season. St. Gemma Gelgani (patron saint of those suffering from tuberculosis and of pharmacists/apothecaries) said that Mary suffered in union with Jesus. (Click on the link for more information.)  It was foretold by Simeon that a sword would pierce her heart. Her sorrow is not just because of the loss of her only son, but because she knew why it had to be done. And like any mother who sees a child in pain, she probably felt all the pain that Jesus carried with him.

Pray the Sorrowful Mysteries today and meditate on Jesus’s suffering. Ask Mary to help us understand and to pray for us.

La Pieta by William Adolphe Bouguereau
La Pieta by William Adolphe Bouguereau

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