September 4, 2010

One of the most moving scenes in a film that I can think of is where Humphrey Bogart and Paul Henreid walk out of a private meeting into the bar where Conrad Veidt is leading a bunch on Nazis singing Deutchland Uber Alles. The screen pans across the faces of the crowd. For me most notably Claude Rains stone faced witness. That is until, as Henreid walks to the band, I watch Ingrid Bergman’s face. Then Henreid tells the band... Read more

September 3, 2010

A few days ago I received a note from a friend about a friend of hers who is dealing with chronic pain and wanted my view on suicide, and whether it is a sin. I said that sin is not really a term of art within Unitarian Universalism, nor, particularly, in Buddhism. Of course the question begs a definition of sin that does not include offense against a deity. The Wikipedia article on sin gives a pretty good working examination... Read more

September 2, 2010

Me, when pressed I can hold still for long periods of time… Read more

September 1, 2010

I just learned from Carl McColman’s Anamchara blog that Raimon Panikkar has died. Joseph Prabhu writes at the National Catholic Reporter, “Professor Raimon Panikkar, one of the greatest scholars of the 20th century in the areas of comparative religion, theology, and inter-religious dialogue, died at his home in Tavertet, near Barcelona, Spain, Aug. 26. He was 91. “Panikkar taught and lived in the United States from 1966-1987 and was known to generations of students here and around the world through... Read more

September 1, 2010

On this day in 1902 Georges Melies’ A Trip to the Moon, generally considered the first Science Fiction film, was released. This video has English narration using a translation of the original French script, sound editing and effects by Matthew Hawes. Read more

August 31, 2010

Over at her always fascinating blog Smilin’ Buddha Cabaret, Marnie Louise Froberg reflects at some length on the recent Glenn Beck rally, the nature of privilege, racism and the related. A small sample: The Glenn Beck thing. He seems to be a real put upon dude. Not only is he a POC, poor, living in a 3rd world country, female, of a minority faith, homeless, non-English speaking,  having a history of oppression, dealt with colonialism, physically challenged, mentally challenged,  living in an impoverished area of the country, lacking access to education, speaking with an... Read more

August 30, 2010

As Ellen said I woke up dazed and confused and didn’t have a whiskey bottle in my hand… Read more

August 27, 2010

For the ninth or tenth year running Jan & I are driving up to the Berkshires to stay with some old friends and take in a couple of shows at Tanglewood. This evening Poulenc and a little Holst… Tomorrow Brahms and some Dvorak… Jan knows what this all means. I like the music, but really I go for the company, the grounds and neighborhood, and for the picnic… Read more

August 27, 2010

By some calculations the Master of the Good Name was born on this day in 1698… Read more

August 26, 2010

On this day in 1920 American Women finally, finally won the right to vote. There is still much to do, no doubt. But, a day never to be forgotten… Read more

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