Let’s stay positive

Let’s stay positive January 8, 2020

Yes!!! I have argued for a long time that the whole “world is getting worse” rhetoric is harmful for our mental health and for optimism and incentives in regards to problem solving. Let’s stay positive minded… while invested in solving the negatives we face as a human race.

Thanks Anthony D. Miller for the great reminder:

As I sit here this morning, I do so with a tremendous sense of gratitude for this past decade and optimism about the next—not just in my personal life, but with what is happing in my community and in the world.

Yes. There are problems in the world, but the overall trajectory of things is really quite amazing.

Let’s lean in to dealing with the problems, but let’s also celebrate and experience gratitude for the progress.

Here is a WSJ opinion piece and other images about our progress, and hopefully, our continued trajectory for humanity.












Natasha Helfer Parker, LCMFT, CST, CSTS can be reached at natashaparker.org and runs an online practice, Symmetry Solutions, which focuses on helping families and individuals with faith concerns, sexuality and mental health. She hosts the Mormon Mental Health and Mormon Sex InfoPodcasts, is the current past president of the Mormon Mental Health Association and runs a sex education program, Sex Talk with Natasha. She has over 20 years of experience working with primarily an LDS/Mormon clientele.

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