May 14, 2010

Please take the time to fill out my latest polls. One about antidepressants and some lengthy ones on sexual behavior. They are on my sidelines. Thank you! Read more

May 14, 2010

I think you did a great job, I like being in charge of what my children understand. It is later when they try to describe it to others that I feel embarrassed. Should I tell them that these are questions that they can always ask me, but we shouldn’t talk about it with everyone? What is the best way to help them not discuss these matters outside of our home? Thanks! I do not feel like I need to apologize... Read more

May 13, 2010

I’m looking for poll suggestions. Anyone want to ask a research question at large? About sex? About singles? About parenting? About faith? Mental health? Let me know… Read more

May 12, 2010

So here’s a conversation I wasn’t expecting this morning started by my 3 year old son and joined in by my 5 year old son as they were getting dressed during the day. “Mommy, what is this?” Lifting his penis and touching his testes. I feel my anxiety rising a bit but try to remember what I preach about staying calm and honest. “Those are your testes.” “Testes?” Repeated this word several times giggling. “Yup.” “Do I have testes too?”... Read more

May 12, 2010

I think this is a great resource for parents who are in a situation where they are doubting their own testimonies or where they find themselves in a mixed-faith marriage. A panel discussion on Mormon Stories where several members discuss how they deal with these issues: Raising Children in a Non-Traditional LDS Home It’s actually great for any type of parent to listen to – they bring up all kinds of church topics and the best way to present them... Read more

May 11, 2010

Here is an answer I gave to someone who was not comfortable posting their question even anonymously. This is so difficult and sad for me since it speaks to the intense shame many are carrying around regarding normal and common sexual issues. It also speaks to how many members are suffering in silence feeling that there are no avenues to be able to address these types of concerns and questions. I can’t stress enough the importance and responsibility of proper... Read more

May 9, 2010

I want to wish everyone a Happy Mother’s Day. I know there are many today celebrating their own motherhood and/or paying homage to their mothers. May you find much joy in these celebrations, memories and feelings. I also know there are many today that face loss and sadness due to a damaged relationship with their mother, due to the fact that their mother has died, due to their inability to conceive a child, due to the death of a child... Read more

May 8, 2010

I have been struggling with my weight for many many years. I have been trying to lose the weight through consistent efforts for over 3 years and I finally came face to face with why all of my efforts, charts, and personal trainer are not working. For 24 years of married life my husband has had a huge problem with pornography and masturbation. When we got married I had no idea. I was pretty naive. I remember clearly the first... Read more

May 6, 2010

Here is an excerpt taken from Passionate Marriage by David Schnarch, PhD. It deals with a couple seeing Dr. Schnarch for sex therapy and their comments after having had some significant success: “I wish we’d done this earlier,” Ken says wistfully.(Therapist:) “What makes you think you could have? It’s taken every bit of development you’ve got to do what you did last night. The sex you’re starting to have is not for kids – or for immature adults. You can’t... Read more

May 5, 2010

When love beckons to you, follow himThough his ways are hard and steep.And when his wings enfold you yield to him,Though the sword hidden among his pinions may wound you.And when he speaks to you believe in him,Though his voice may shatter your dreams as the north wind lays waste the garden.For even as love crowns you so shall he crucify you. Even as he is for your growth so he is for your pruning.Even as he ascends to your... Read more

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