May 4, 2010

I just sent this comment with a donation, but figured I’d post it here as well. My husband is on a business trip, and today I was bored so while I was online surfing the net I checked his e-mail. I discovered that last night he had contacted someone he found in an online classified and tried to set up a ‘get together’ – you know what I mean. Through the emails, I don’t think anything actually happened, but the... Read more

April 30, 2010

I have a question for you regarding therapy. My husband left about 18 months ago and we were legally separated about 6 months ago; I anticipate we will file for divorce this year. I have been experiencing some situational depression, and have sought therapy. I had individual counseling both before he left and after and we also had joint couples therapy. I have not, however found any of the therapy very helpful. Basically, the therapists (three separate ones) seem to... Read more

April 27, 2010

Check out my internet podcast interview on: Mormon Expression It’s Episode 54: Struggles in Mormon Marriage and Sexuality Read more

April 26, 2010

I am a 29 year old active, loving, strong member of the LDS church. I am MARRIED nearly 7 years to a beautiful, loving wife (yes we were married in the temple) I have struggled ALL MY LIFE with sexual sin, masturbation being at the core of it all. I served a mission, and am Eagle Scout, serve in the Young Men’s presidency in my ward and am really trying to do the Lord’s will and have the spirit with... Read more

April 22, 2010

This was a response to a previous post- My wife never touches me… : My friend we live in different continents and have different wives but our problems are somewhat similar. I think that this might be like your case but 10 years earlier…I’m 28, so is my wife, we are married for 5 years and after our first born came, 2 years ago, our sex life has become a little bit of what you described. Our relationship isn’t as... Read more

April 20, 2010

I am interested to know what your (and perhaps others) opinion is of sexy/nude photographs of one’s spouse. Clearly these would only be for the viewing and pleasure of the other spouse, but perhaps taken in a professional studio rather than a home setting? I have written on this subject once before: What about erotic pictures of one’s own spouse? My main point I want to be crystal clear about is that this type of decision falls squarely upon the... Read more

April 20, 2010

There is a questionnaire posted on an LDS men’s sexuality blog that might get the ball rolling without having to sign-up/pay for classes in sex ed. It seemed pretty extensive and some of the readers commented on how sharing it with their spouse really opened up discussion. Thanks for sharing this resource. I think this is a great place for couples to begin to have a very frank and open discussion regarding their sexuality. Some may find some of... Read more

April 19, 2010

Dr. Jennifer Finlayson Fife has her doctorate in Counseling Psychology. Her dissertation was written on LDS women and sexual desire. She is offering on-line courses that focus on strengthening marital relationships both from a communication standpoint and also classes looking more closely at sexual relationships. This is an excellent resource for couples – especially taking into account busy schedules and limited funds. It can be great for couples who are looking for a preventative and/or educational option instead of the... Read more

April 10, 2010

I have been depressed off and on for the thirty years since I joined the Church and almost ten years before that when I wanted to join . I was a teenager at the time and due to opposition and threats from my parents, waited until I married. Since the time my husband and I were baptized, we have been obtusely criticized / put down (my husband was a public employee), not invited to certain family gatherings but required at... Read more

April 9, 2010

Natasha, I appreciate your point. Do you have suggestions for doing that–specifically, protecting our children and teens from stuff that might hurt them, without being overly rigid? That’s something my wife and I are constantly worrying about/discussing/working on and I’d love to hear your thoughts. This is a great question where the main response entails balance. Not allowing the pendulum to swing too far in either direction. First, I’d like to discuss what exactly do we want to protect our... Read more

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