7 Good, Bad and Ugly ‘Muslim Moments’ from the Republican and Democratic National Conventions

7 Good, Bad and Ugly ‘Muslim Moments’ from the Republican and Democratic National Conventions July 29, 2016

Khizr Khan, Father of Slain U.S. Army Captain, Burns Donald J. Trump – Great but Complicated

Perhaps no moment touched American Muslims (and Americans in general) at the Democratic National Convention than when Khizr Khan and his wife took to the stage before Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton accepted her party’s nomination. It was a proud, sad and complicated moment for Muslims, who alternately took pride in Khan’s strong words and sharp criticism of Trump (indeed, my nieces and children shouted “BURN” when Khan pulled out a copy of the U.S. Constitution from his pocket and said he would lend it to Trump for him to read) and expressed frustration over honoring a soldier who fought in an “unjust war.”

Following Khan’s speech, discussions flew over social media, ranging from tears and pride over a “proud Uncle and Aunty” moment to vindication, as when former State Department advisor Shahed Amanullah said that Khan “so many American Muslims who endured having sand kicked in our faces for too long.”

So who was Army Captain Humayun Khan?

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