The Most Epic 6 Moments (Thus Far) from the Khizr and Ghazala Khan Story

The Most Epic 6 Moments (Thus Far) from the Khizr and Ghazala Khan Story August 2, 2016

Khizr Khan’s Epic Speech and Trump Takedown at the DNC

Perhaps no moment touched American Muslims (and Americans in general) at the Democratic National Convention than when Khizr and Ghazala Khan took to the stage before Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton accepted her party’s nomination. It was a proud, sad and complicated moment for Muslims, who alternately took pride in Khan’s strong words and sharp criticism of Trump and expressed frustration over honoring a soldier who fought in an “unjust war.”

What was remarkable following Khan’s speech wasn’t just that it became a turning point in the onslaught of anti-Muslim rhetoric being put forth by the Republican Party and Trump (and on occasion by the Democratic Party as well), but that people across America embraced the Khans as a proud military family.

Which sure didn’t sit well with Trump.

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