Khaled writes for Christmased!

Khaled writes for Christmased! December 21, 2011

Magda Pecsenye, of AskMoxie, Moxi Ville and Christmased!, shared the following link and had this to say about it: Today we have a Muslim perspective on celebrating Christmas. Egyptian-born Khaled ElSayed writes about what it’s like to celebrate Christmas in his intercultural family: The Brady Perspective (Ed. note: The first part of this two-part series written by the author’s wife, a Christmas-celebrating American, is here: “The Modern Hortons”.)

I’m so beyond proud it’s hard to put words to what I’m feeling.  I am thrilled that he was willing to share his point of view in such a public arena.  Khaled’s support is beyond measure.  I feel so blessed.

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