June 3, 2011

“Whatever happened to saying the shahada and then being a Muslim on your own terms?”   I wandered into the blog Cairo, Lusaka, Amsterdam this afternoon while eating my lunch and read this provoking post on religion and how being born in a different country gives you a different perspective on any given religion.  That one sentence tweaked me just right and I had to comment.  *grin*  Below is my response. AMEN!  Raise the bar, challenge the naysayers and make... Read more

May 25, 2011

It was a dark and stormy night…*snicker* Actually, it is a dark and stormy night, but that phrase just makes me giggle. Yesterday, I made a fab-o turkey, tomato, pepper, onion and ricotta frittata before I left the house for work.  Upon our return, I served up the dish, the younger minions took one look, a sniff and they snubbed my creation.  The oldest ate the lovely food without comment but the others begged off with a chorus of ,... Read more

May 21, 2011

Remember back at the beginning of the school year when I was working through my wardrobe issues, and not able to put on an abaya and still have my game face?  Well, a week ago Friday, our PTO had a rummage sale.  It was awesome~!  I was teaching that day, wearing a long skirt, leggings underneath and a long sleeve blouse.  During my planning period, I went outside and met one of my friends who was working the sale.  She... Read more

May 3, 2011

So, yesterday afternoon, after a day of  worry and finally having all my babies tucked away at home with me, I was flipping through some status updates on Facebook while I was waiting for my ladies to finish their homework.   This is not unusual for me, as it was too early to cook dinner, and too late to start another project, and I don’t like to leave the kitchen while homework is being done because, well, you know it wouldn’t... Read more

May 2, 2011

I have been searching for the words to express my feelings about the death of Osama Bin Ladin.  Some way to put my emotions in a tight little bundle.  I was shocked at first, then as the information settled in, I became anxious and worried about the potential backlash.  I worried about my son at school, being one of only a handful of Muslim children in his school, and my daughters, who attend a full-time Islamic school. I was worried about my... Read more

April 2, 2011

So, remember last time I was talking about joining some teams and doing some networking?  Well, it seems that the moderator of the Muslim Team on Etsy follows up with the questionnaire that is posted, and I am now this month’s featured artist! Have a look over on A Crafty Arab, and let Kay know what you think! Read more

March 24, 2011

I’ve had a shop open on Etsy for just over a year now and decided to start exploring ways to increase my traffic and exposure without spending a lot of time I don’t have sitting in front of my computer screen. So, the other day I joined a few teams. Muslim Team, Etsy Success, Ohio Street Team and Midwest Artist. Then I was invited to join the Etsy Talent Hunt. I’m not sure what this will add to my shop in terms... Read more

March 7, 2011

[slideshow id=2305843009241166886&w=426&h=320] I wanted to have something on here where I could share with you photos of the items I’ve made.  Some are for personal use, some were special orders and some are Etsy items.  I will be updating the slide show with photos as I collect them.  Thank you for your support, Kristina Read more

March 4, 2011

This prayer was shared by a long time friend of mine on Facebook, and it moved me so much, I wanted to share it with you.  May God’s Blessings be with you on this day.       A prayer attributed to St. Theresa of Lisieux: May today there be peace within. May you trust God that you are exactly where you are meant to be. May you not forget the  infinite  possibilities that are born of faith. May you... Read more

February 7, 2011

In light of the recent events in Africa and the Middle East, I hope that each and every one of your families, friends and neighbors are unharmed and safe. Over the last couple of days, I read two items of interest.  One that I wanted to share, and one that I wanted to discuss. The first, being a post from Islam.Org that I was led to in a round-about way.  I will repost here to save you the trip over, but... Read more

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