Top Ten Things Skeptics Get Wrong about Medjugorje

Top Ten Things Skeptics Get Wrong about Medjugorje January 4, 2016

By Stephen Ryan

Top Ten Things Skeptics Get Wrong about Medjugorje

1. It is diabolical, “Satanic”
Those who follow Medjugorje understand that it is a place of conversion and it is known as the confessional to the world. Medjugorje delivers us precisely from Satan.

2. It is a “Fraud/Hoax”
Thirty plus years and counting and still no credible evidence has emerged that reveals that Medjugorje is a worldwide conspiracy managed by cunning money schemers. If the Catholic Church had any evidence of fraud Medjugorje would have disappeared long ago. The unsubstantiated claims of fraud by Catholics who know no credible evidence exists is just wrong.

3. Ivan married a beauty queen
Completely sexist, but nevertheless very popular ammo used by critics of Medjugorje.

4. Too many messages.
The Catholic liturgy has been exploring the same passages from the Gospel for 2000 years. The world has not been converted. Sin and denial of God are raging throughout the world. The messages from Medjugorje, as they are, continue to convert people back to the Church. Sr. Lucia of Fatima had apparitions for over 50 years,

5. Medjugorje is “Feel Good” religion – Peace, Love etc.
Our Lady asks us to fast twice a week on Wednesday’s and Fridays. I am willing to bet that anybody who makes the charge that Medjugorje is “Feel Good” does not fast. Fasting is very difficult.

6. The Visionaries did not pursue a religious vocation
The Medjugorje “Seers” have provided a great example of living in the Catholic faith in the modern world. All the visionaries are raising families and the way they conduct their lives – quite normally if you will –   has been a great contributor to the fruits of Medjugorje.

7. Medjugorje is “Disobedient”
This one creates a great deal of consternation among the critics and a lot has been said. Rather than rehash old news it is important to again understand the fate of Medjugorje is now in the Vatican’s hands.

8. Medjugorje says “All religions are equal”
Medjugorje, by all accounts,is in conformity with Vatican II on the issue of ecumenism.

9. Too much emphasis on the Blessed Mother and it takes away from the proper worship of Jesus Christ
Pope John Paul II loved the Blessed Mother and he is renowned for asking the faithful to “Find Christ through Mary” Also at Fatima Our Lady said “In the end my heart shall triumph.”

10. Belief in “Private Revelations” are not necessary to be a Catholic in good standing
Millions of people and counting have gone to Medjugorje seeking spiritual renewal. Medjugorje converts people (including me) and importantly the conversions are lasting – this matters. The supernatural, miracles, apparitions, mysticism are all part of the body of the Catholic faith – without these mysteries where would our faith be? Who would be our saints?


Stephen Ryan is author of Marian thriller and Amazon best seller “The Madonna Files”

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