Apparently HFASS is an example of the horrible things that go wrong when women become pastors

Apparently HFASS is an example of the horrible things that go wrong when women become pastors February 13, 2012

Yesterday afternoon I received an email from a friend of a friend who said that my name and church are being tossed around by some LCMS (Lutheran Church Missouri Synod – they don’t ordain women) types (again) as an example of all the horrible things that go wrong when women become pastors.

Apparently  there are some who are just appalled by the chocolate fountain in the baptismal font picture on my church’s website.

The writer of the email was kind.  She wanted to hear from me about why we would do this rather than joining the others in rending their clothes and gnashing their teeth about it.

Here is my answer:

Having buried the Alleluia on Transfiguration Sunday and entered into the 40 days of Lent (remembering our mortality and sin)…as a community we walk through the paschal mystery of the Three Days.  We gather to remember the night our Lord was betrayed unto death and yet washed the feet of those whom he loved, and having Friday experienced the death of God on the cross on which hung the savior of the whole world, we gather on Holy Saturday to tell one another the great salvation history of God and God’s people. We finally finally finally enter the church singing Alleluia and baptize the catechumens as a celebration of the great and glorious resurrection of Jesus.  For us there is no better symbol of Easter – nothing says “He is risen” like  a chocolate fountain in the baptismal font.  It is a celebration of pure joy and not one we would ever suggest is right for all churches but for us it is life.

I offer you this as you are a friend of a friend.  But I am called by the gospel and am in no way answerable to those in the LCMS who would deny the gifts of the Holy Spirit.

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