Our Church is So Slack!

Our Church is So Slack! January 24, 2007

This is a pic I took of my daughter Casile and her best friend Emily. I asked what they thought was the best and the worst of our church. They like the fact that our church is so “slack”, is what they said… there’s no dressing up and everything’s relaxed. During “worship” you can stand, sit, wander around, talk, drink coffee and eat donuts, or sleep on the floor. Whatever. Even during the “sermon” there’s discussion, disagreement, and dialogue. It is slack. The worst? Not enough youth their age. Although the average age of our church may be around 30 years old, older teens aren’t prevalent. I don’t blame them. We may be slack but not slack enough. From what I know of teens, and I own three of them, they have no interest whatsoever in perpetuating an institution. None at all. But it’s the youth such as these two pictured here that have my heart somehow.

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