new Sophia drawing “release”

new Sophia drawing “release” June 10, 2012

Sophia drawing "release".

We have an expression in our house that we use almost daily: “Let it go… like a balloon… let it go!”

It is so difficult to let things go. It is difficult to let friends go. Your loved ones. Your pet. Your job. Your house. Your church. Your religion. Your faith. So many things. It is difficult to let things go.

But what is the most difficult thing to let go? What about our anger? What about our fear? What about our resentments? What about our griefs? What about our disappointments?

Sophia is letting something go. It is important. I think Sophia, who is my soul, is releasing her hurts. Her sufferings. She is not denying them. She is, somehow, grateful for them. But she has decided to not allow them to define her or determine her. She’s gone through so much. She has suffered so many things. For so long she allowed her pain and her hurts to tell her who she was. No longer. No longer. No longer. Though she is better for her sufferings, she is better than her sufferings.

Like this balloon, she is releasing her suffering. She is releasing her pain. She is releasing her disappointments. She is releasing her hurt. They have helped shape her. But their purpose has been served.

She bears her wounds. But she will bear them well.

Buy the original for just $300 (TODAY ONLY). Or buy a print of this drawing.

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