September 21, 2020

Justice Ginsburg knew she would die. She did not sit around waiting for death to knock at her door. She fought and worked to stay in the fight. Her calling was much bigger than death and she was the embodiment of that calling. Read more

September 16, 2020

No one is perfect. This mishap though reminds me of all the rituals I have been to and have performed that were well, less than perfect.  Read more

September 15, 2020

Five ways to carry the Pagan Pride banner in a year without a festival. Read more

September 11, 2020

This is a time for gratitude for all we have received this year ... How will you celebrate this time of year? Read more

August 27, 2020

My experience contained information that resonated strongly with me and I think it is worth sharing.  I encourage you to seek wisdom from your own ancestors as well. Read more

August 17, 2020

It was pleasant to think of creating a beautiful moment for participants at GA in a space where people would be listening to workshops about weightier topics. In doing this, as an artist, I felt like some of the heaviness I was feeling about the pandemic, political and racial tensions start to lift a tad. Read more

August 10, 2020

Cat Rigby from Mystic Grove CUUPS in Orlando, FL writes, "I had a few thoughts on how to make online worship space for Pagan and Earth-Centered worship more engaging and participatory." Read more

July 30, 2020

I have been overly skeptical for many years to the point where I have had to be hit over the head to get that my spiritual experiences were real. Read more

July 28, 2020

When we honor our first fruits and bake our sacred loaves, when we live in gratitude for the grace that is found amid circles of friends joined with spirit; we can change our path of destruction to one of healing. Read more

July 13, 2020

Pagan communities have moved to Zoom ... We are discovering something interesting: UU Pagans from as far afield as France and Sweden are joining us as we learn, worship, celebrate, and grow. Read more

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