Muslims Respond to 45’s Law Enforcement EOs

Muslims Respond to 45’s Law Enforcement EOs February 16, 2017

10710403_10152312075547064_7433022191128410563_oKhaled Beydoun

The executive order granting considerable authority to the Attorney General, Jeff Sessions, to criminalize activity protected by the First Amendment seems a direct attack on progressive organizers and activists. The orders seem to enable the prosecution of dissidents and activist groups like Black Lives Matter, for instance, who rely heavily on protest actions as a mobilizing strategy. This not only erodes their constitutionally protected free speech and assembly rights, but also facilitates the branding of Black protest movements as criminal. The strategy is to chill and intimidate this brand of activism, on the front end, and punish those who are actively critical and organizing.

Twitter:  @KhaledBeydoun

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