NbA Muslims’ Post-BHM Reads

NbA Muslims’ Post-BHM Reads March 1, 2017

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Sahar Abdulaziz

Book: Scattered Pictures, Reflections of An American Muslim
by Imam Zaid Shakir

One particular passage from Imam Zaid Shakir’s book resonated with me. I have reflected upon it and reread his entire work many times since. If I may share, he writes, “There will never be any real progress in ending this terror war until we realize that we have all become collateral damage, unacceptable collateral damage. There is no they or we in this affair, we are they and they are we.” … “We, the collaterally damaged, will continue to exist in a state of dehumanizing loss, deformity, and insecurity until we rise up, unite, and refuse to support at any level the policies of leaders who continually fail to heed one of the surest of all political lessons: killing innocent civilians will never lead to a positive outcome for the transgressing party. This realization is the first meaningful salvo anyone could fire in a real war on terror. However, as long as we are not as moved by the suffering of innocent civilians anywhere as we are by the suffering of those close to us, it will be a salvo that remains unfired.”

This book is a timely collection of insightful essays which critically expound on many topics often left shelved or dismissed. I found Imam Zaid Shakir’s story both personally transformative and his insight illuminating. I strongly encourage all to find it some #muslimshelfspace.

Next: Asha Noor

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