9 Questions to Help You Start Making Disciples

9 Questions to Help You Start Making Disciples June 6, 2018

Victor Van Welden

The driving mission for Christians has always been there: “go and make disciples of all nations” (Matthew 28:19). For too many of us, our execution and devotion to that mission too easily wavers. If you’re a Christian who genuinely wants to makes disciples and follow the Great Commission Jesus gave us, here are nine practical questions that can get you going back in the right direction:

1. How can I increase my own passion for Jesus? Your passion for Jesus sets the temperature for other people’s passion for Jesus. If you’re lukewarm for Jesus, don’t expect passion from those around you. How can you increase your own passion for Jesus? Perhaps it’s getting up earlier to read Scripture, starting a Bible study with a friend, beginning to volunteer at church or going on a mission trip. Whatever it takes, increase your own passion for Jesus.

2. How can I depend more on God and allow His Spirit to live through me? When the Spirit of God fills us, then the fruit of the Spirit naturally overflows from within us. And when we live lives characterized by love, joy, peace, patience, goodness and self-control (among others), people will naturally be drawn to us and want to know the source of our joy.

3. Have I discovered my specific purpose in the Kingdom and am I leaning into it? A key aspect of making disciples is discovering and leaning into your spiritual gifts, because those gifts are where you will make your biggest impact for the Kingdom. Do you know what your spiritual gifts are and have you positioned your life to utilize those gifts on a regular basis?

4. Who can I bless this week and how can I specifically bless them? When we sacrificially serve others, we create a platform to share the good news of Jesus with them. So, who can you bless? Get specific. Ask God to show you a person and how you can specifically bless them.

5. Who can I bring to church with me this Sunday? A simple way to make disciples is to bring people to church with you. Let them experience worship. Let them learn from the Word. Let them see belonging and love in action. Bringing people to church with you is a surefire way to make disciples.

6. Who can I invite to join a small group with me? Discipleship is more than helping someone make a one-time decision. Spiritual growth happens best in the context of biblical community, so who can you bring with you to a small group? Get someone connected to Christian community and allow the body as a whole to disciple them.

7. Who are three people in my life that I can intentionally mentor in the faith? Ask God to show you three specific people in your world that you can pour into on a weekly basis. You don’t have to have it all figure out, you just need to be one step ahead of them to lead them. When you help someone grow in their faith you grow yourself, so who can you mentor?

8. How can I intentionally invest in the next generation? What can you specifically do to invest in teenagers and children? If you’re a parent how are you modeling Jesus to your kids and their friends? If you’re not a parent, how can you leverage your resources and time to make an impact on the next generation?

9. What can I sacrifice for the sake of the gospel? What is something you can give up to make a difference? Maybe it’s some vacation time to go on a mission trip. Maybe it’s something you can sell to give the proceeds to missionaries. Maybe it’s a career change God is calling you to so that you can devote more of your time to telling others about Jesus. What can you sacrifice?


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