My Favorite Thing about New Year's Day

My Favorite Thing about New Year's Day January 1, 2013

It’s the hope. I love New Year’s because of the natural hope that surrounds it. It’s the closest we get to having a slate wiped clean. Many folks feel like their life gets out of control, one bad decision piling on another like a snowball until you’re hurtling down a cliff, unable to grab anything to stop yourself. New Year’s is that handhold. It’s an opportunity to stop the slide, reorient yourself, and set out in a new direction. Over the past few days, I’ve seen several Facebook posts where users would say that “2012 was horrible” and they’re ready for a “much better 2013.”

When you really think about it, the hope of New Years doesn’t make much sense. Nothing really changes other than the date on a calendar. Your health problems follow you from 2013. Those bad decisions you made in 2012 will still follow you (in the form of consequences) in 2013. All those Christmas purchases that you couldn’t afford will show up on your January 2013 credit card statement. And yet, we have hope (as we should). Don’t miss out on the hope of New Year’s. Don’t buy into the myth that you can’t change your life. You can, through the power of Jesus.

At the same time, don’t miss out on the truth that every day can be New Year’s Day. One of my favorite verses in the Old Testament is Lamentations 3:22-23, “Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.”

Don’t be afraid to hope. 2013 can be much better than 2012. You can make things right in your life. The secret is Jesus. Through him, all things are new. Pray like it depends on God, and work like it depends on you. Trust in Jesus, dream big, and go make 2013 awesome!

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