Boldness is Different than Weirdness

Boldness is Different than Weirdness January 24, 2013

Every Christian needs to be bold in their faith. But that doesn’t mean you have to be weird about it. Boldness is different than weirdness. Hopefully you’ve never been on the receiving end of one of these:

God Grenades – A God grenade is where you walk into the middle of a conversation and blow it up, like throwing a grenade into a crowded room. Very bold, but lots of collateral damage. Here’s how a ‘God grenade’ conversation might go:

Me (meeting you for the first time): Hi, I’m Josh.

You: Hi, I’m Terry.

Me: Hi Terry. Are you afraid of the FIRES OF HELL?

Please don’t throw God grenades. Sure, you get the gospel out there, but you’re scaring everyone away. There’s a better way to do things.

Jesus Jukes – This term comes from Jon Acuff, popular blogger and Christian satirist. Here’s how he defines a Jesus Juke: like a football player juking you at the last second and going a different direction, the Jesus Juke is when someone takes what is clearly a joke filled conversation and completely reverses direction into something serious and holy. Here’s how a conversation like that goes:

You: I’ve got to get home in time to watch the American Idol premiere.

Your Friend: Me too! I can’t wait to see all the contestants. I’m so excited!

Me: Don’t you wish we were all that excited about reading our Bibles? (Waa Waa)

Don’t be the Debbie Downer of conversations. Keep those passive aggressive Facebook comments to yourself. There’s a better way to get the gospel out there than to guilt other people into it.

To even out the trinity of weirdness, I should probably add the Holy Spirit Hammer Throw. But I have no idea what that would look like in real life. Any ideas?

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