Why Most of Us Are Doing Sunday School Wrong

Why Most of Us Are Doing Sunday School Wrong September 15, 2016


The Bible is not meant to be merely learned. The Bible is meant to be lived out. If your Sunday School is providing an opportunity to learn without creating a climate and community where it can be lived out, then your Sunday School is doing a dangerous disservice to your members.

  • If you want to make Pharisees, just teach a lesson. If you want to make disciples, help them live out that lesson.
  • If you want to make Pharisees, stop at the truth. If you want to make disciples, push through to action.
  • If you want to make Pharisees, celebrate knowledge above all. If you want to make disciples, celebrate life change above all.

One of the greatest critiques of the church is the seeming over-abundance of hypocrites, but their overwhelming presence shouldn’t surprise is when we’ve created a church environment that values biblical knowledge to the detriment of biblical obedience.

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