Attack on the Archbishop

Attack on the Archbishop June 30, 2018
This was the third time that Muslims have attacked Jos Archbishop Benjamin Kwashi.
The first time they stole his cattle.  The second time they came to kill him.  He was gone and so they savaged his wife, assaulting her womanhood, and left her half-dead.
Last night all of his cattle were stolen by (Muslim) Fulani tribesmen, and when his dear neighbor Ayuba heard and shined a light on the rustlers, he was shot dead.

Here is what the AB wrote on FB:
       …Ayuba Dung..
    …Ayuba Dung..
    A simple driver of a COCIN (a Nigerian Christian denomination) chairman…
    Has a family a wife and children, living in an uncompleted house of his own. The doors and widows waiting to be bought to be fixed. He had hopes of finishing his house and living peacefully with his family.
    The story changed last night…
    He was shot through the head because he flashed his light when he heard footsteps of cattle being rustled…

    The cows were mine…

I was at the Archbishop’s home today.  Some of his bishops and priests with their wives were there, along with Gloria his wife and their many adopted orphan children.  They were there to consult, and to encourage him.  There was no grimness.  Many smiled warmly.  The general attitude was, “This is what God has called us to–mission amidst persecution.  We love one another, and the devil is driving us Christians closer together.”
One of those who called on him to offer condolences was a Fulani tribal leader, a Muslim.  He showed that not all the Fulani agree with what these terrorists, their fellow tribesmen, are doing.
At the same time, one of his priests told me that these Muslim Fulani were making a statement: “We know who you are.  Be on the alert.”
AB Kwashi joked that, like Paul in Philippians 1, he thinks God wants him to continue living on this earth because God has more for him to do.  He may well be the most powerful Anglican leader in the world, since he was just announced at GAFCON (Global Anglican Future Conference) in Jerusalem last week as the new General Secretary of GAFCON.
He and all the Anglicans here in Jos, tense and on curfew every night at 6 PM, covet our prayers.

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