A Midsummer Fairy Celebration

A Midsummer Fairy Celebration June 15, 2020

Lupines and Fireflies – Wikimedia Commons https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Lupines_and_Fireflies_No._4_(14505155544).jpg

Midsummer always brings thoughts of fairies. Why not celebrate the solstice with your children, or other adults, by creating a fairy altar nearby. It’s a joyful, playful way to celebrate the day. For cakes and ale, break out the milk or honey sweetened tea, and perhaps back some sweet cakes. Strawberry shortcake would be marvelous, as would anything summery.

If you wish to actually cast the circle, I’d suggest flowers in the North, red candles in the South, milk or honey sweetened tea for the East, and windchimes or streamers for the West. Honestly, I’m not sure a circle is necessary for this ritual, but it can be fun for the kids to help cast.

You will also want streamers, bells, ribbons, and whatever else you can think of to represent summer deities and/or the fey.

You might also want to create a small fairy garden for this special place. Small statues and furniture can even be found at dollar stores nowadays. Also, fairy bobbles can be fun addition. They are simply lengths of wire decorated with colorful beads . Just make sure not to put them where they’ll interfere with any lawn mowers!

Gnomish fairy house
Fairy House. Circe Denyer, Free for use. https://www.publicdomainpictures.net/en/view-image.php?image=315755&picture=fairy-tale-house

The main part of this ritual involves creating a fairy altar or shrine. Find a special spot, preferably outside, to create a space just for the fey. Hang small bells and tie streamers on low branches, drape more ribbons and streamers from the altar itself. Add some special dishes for offerings of milk, honey, and cakes – maybe working them into the fairy garden. Participants could also write wishes on paper streamers and add those to the altar. This is a time for playfulness. Wear your wreaths from May Day. Add bells. Dance around. Honor the fey with your fun and play.

When finished, sit around the altar enjoying the cakes and juice, or maybe have a full-fledged tea party. Share a fairy story with your children. Maybe let them help make up a new fairy story just for the occasion.

Perform a closing circle if needed and the ritual is done. Don’t forget to tend to the altar on a daily or weekly basis.

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