June 6, 2016

By Joseph Sunde “I never saw a supply and demand curve in seminary. I should have.” This was written by Virginia Congressman David Brat in anacademic paper back in 2011, when he was still an economics professor at Randolph-Macon College. The paper offers aunique exploration of the intersections of economics, policy, and theology, promoting a holistic view of economic freedom and social justice united with Christian witness. Brat, who holds both a Master of Divinity and a Ph.D in economics,... Read more

June 1, 2016

By Samuel Gregg Given that he was a member of the famously ascetic Franciscan order with his own reputation for detachment from worldly things, Bernardine of Siena (1380–1444) was remarkably insightful about money. Most people are understandably surprised to learn that some of the important intellectual developments that first enabled finance to become an engine of growth were made by men who had, for the most part, freely taken vows of poverty. Almost a century before Bernardine, another Franciscan, Peter... Read more

May 24, 2016

By Paul Graves What are we called to do with our lives? This question permeates our Sunday services. For Christians transformed by the power of Christ, what becomes the daily task? Clearly, the Gospel provides the foundation for our daily purpose. The saving power of Christ must be shared and evangelism plays a clear role in our purposes. But is that it? If evangelism is our only purpose, should we all become missionaries? For the majority of Christians, their daily activity... Read more

May 19, 2016

By Joseph Sunde Western activists and foreign aid experts often pretend as though material redistribution is enough to elevate the world’s poor. All we must do is give people the “tools” to do their work, they’ll say, and developing nations will take it from there. What these “tools” consist of is a bit more blurry. The more serious development experts and economists recognize the need for immediate relief, but point to deeper factors and obstacles that prevent or accelerate the path... Read more

May 11, 2016

By Herman Bavinck We are seeing a universal pursuit of equality, a yearning to eliminate all distinction based on birth or property and not on personal value, a strong push for independence and freedom. In church and state, in family and society, in vocation and business, each person wants to see their own rights defined, wants to cast their own vote, and wants to stand up for their own interests. In this pursuit there is much that we can accept... Read more

May 3, 2016

By Samuel Gregg From the beginning of the first forms of capitalism in northern Italy, Flanders, and other parts of medieval Europe from the eleventh century onward, many of the merchants involved in increasingly sophisticated forms of finance wrote inscriptions such as Deus enim et proficuum (“For God and Profit”) in the upper corners of their accounting ledgers. Others opened their partnership contracts with the formula such as A nome di Dio e guadangnio (“In the Name of God and... Read more

April 25, 2016

By Joseph Sunde “This is not what I thought I’d be doing at twenty-seven.” So says Stephen Williams, who, while enjoying and appreciating much of his daily work at his local Chick-fil-A, continues to feel the various pressures of status, mobility, and vocational aspiration. “I love the company, and I am grateful for the environment here and for the paycheck,” he writes in a series of stirring reflections. “But it’s humbling to tell many of my accomplished, high-flying friends that... Read more

April 7, 2016

By Joe Carter Last week, Hillary Clinton became the first major presidential candidate to ever recommend paying all disabled workers the minimum wage. While it seems like a reasonable proposal, the effect would be to put workers with severe disabilities, such as those with Down syndrome, out of work. Clinton isn’t the only one pushing such measures. As Anne Schieber of the Mackinac Center notes, government regulators at the Department of Labor are also considering mandating “integrated work settings,” which... Read more

March 31, 2016

By Joseph Sunde Bishop Hannington longed to see an awakening toward generosity in his town of Bundibugyo, Uganda, where many viewed giving more as a matter of duty than heartfelt joy. Yet what at first seemed like a significant challenge soon grew even steeper. After fleeing their town for two years due to the chaos of civil war, the community returned to Bundibugyo to find their homes completely destroyed. “The houses had been torn down, the farms had nothing in them, churches had... Read more

March 23, 2016

By Anthony Bradley One of the advantages of living in a free society is that parents have multiple options for how they can educate their children, including enrolling them in religious education. Christian education is unique in that teachers can integrate faith and learning in the classroom to unlock academic disciplines from mere materialistic or rational concerns to direct interdependence and collaboration with the providential work of the Triune God in his plan to redeem the entire cosmos. In light... Read more

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