Recipes for Good Moments

Recipes for Good Moments November 10, 2022

Getting Busy in the Kitchen of Your Soul

Being back in NYC from Tel-Aviv is always a day or two of mind adjusting.

 This time I fell into election energy, similar to where I had just come from.

 Some clear and pure heart awareness moments are what I needed.

 When I write Morning Inspiration, it consists of something from my moments.

 Hoping to lift another soul and usually it lifts mine as well.

 The Morning Inspiration below consists of various recipes I follow to make for good moments.

 Enjoy and get busy in the kitchen of your soul.  

field filled with sun and trees in the background. recipes for a good moment. 

MORNING INSPIRATION – Recipes for Good Moments

  • Sing your song.
  • Dance the steps that make your heart smile.
  • Honor your right to say no.
  • And your ability to say yes.
  • Smile for no particular reason.
  • Listen with an attentive heart.
  • Except the invitation for your hand to be held, your heart to be embraced.
  • Grant your wisdom the pride it deserves.
  • Celebrate the courage that lifts your soul.

These are recipes from my soul’s cookbook.

Follow one, enjoy the flavors of your moment


Morning Inspiration started off as a message of joy to a dear friend at a time of great illness and it slowly developed into the likes of storytelling and poetry.

I write my newsletter “Morning Inspiration” 3 times a week for souls all over the world in hope that it will offer a moment of awareness and make a moment better than the last.

My book, A Heart’s Landscape, offers a collection of inspirations written over a period of 13 years. Each page contains a poem or story that is accompanied by a photo which has inspired me.

As a spiritual counselor, I find myself mostly inspired by the human spirit.

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