Accepting and Letting Go:Heartfelt Lessons From 2024

Accepting and Letting Go:Heartfelt Lessons From 2024 December 19, 2024

My practice of acceptance and letting go became fragile.

As 2024 comes to an end, I find my thoughts reflecting on the interwoven topics of acceptance and letting go.

Both are essential for balance in our relationships,

with ourselves, others and a higher power.

Judaism offers many spiritual practices that nurture such a balance.

However, this past year,2024, presented unprecedented challenges and complexities.

The traumatizing events of Oct 7th shattered my ability to find solace in these.

My practice of acceptance and letting go became tenuous.

I felt like they belonged in a pre-Oct 7th world.


The Power and Challenges of Acceptance

Throughout, my own journey, I have found the power of acceptance to be essential in my transformative spiritual growth.

As a spiritual guide, I know how valuable acceptance can be in adapting a more peaceful and joyous life.

Yet in 2024 the echoes of personal losses, political conflict, antisemitism and winds of war, acceptance was too distant to be heard.

The devastating occurrences of Oct 7th left many, including myself, here in NYC coping with a strange feeling of loneliness.

But amidst the pain and trauma a new community surfaced.

Unforeseen devasting circumstances brought us together.

This newly created community, Run for their Lives. reminded me of a past lesson:

The influential and inspirational power of community—even among those who may hold differing views.

The collective power of acceptance offers strength and resilience through our shared values not our differences.

People gathered in Central Park
Photo -Daniele Tenenbaum -Marching for the Return of Hostages in Central Park

The Blessing and Beauty in Letting Go

Letting go is not easy.

However, when reframed as making room for new, not giving up, solace may be found.

In 2024, I learned to rearrange relationships with myself and others.

The fragility of life brought to the surface by the events of Oct 7th, taught me to let go of what no longer served my spirit.

At first, letting go felt like a great loss.

Yet quickly it became a precious gift.

New and beautiful connections were formed, while older ones found a way to begin and heal.

I let go of what I wished could have been and made room for what perhaps could be.


Entering 2025

With one step in the door of 2025, I carry the messages and teachings of 2024 close to my heart.

Acceptance and letting go hold a power that is essential to our well-being and spiritual resilience.

With each act of letting go, there is an act of acceptance.

Bringing us closer to more moments of joy and the blessings life has to offer.

Both, letting go and acceptance are a great source of strength at times when our spirit is frail.


My wish and prayer for 2025:

May the gifts of letting go and acceptance guide us.

May peace embrace all those suffering from the evils of war.

And may basic human rights be given to all of humanity.

Please 2025, bring love and compassion to all corners of the world.


I am creator of the “Morning Inspiration” series, which provides readers with reflections and thoughts to start their day with spiritual inspiration.

 If you feel the calling to receive it you can do so here

About Susan P.Lax
When one of Susan’s closest friends was fighting cancer and had to focus on trying to heal, they didn’t speak as often as they once did. To make sure Stephanie knew that Susan was always thinking of her each day, Susan emailed her friend a healing, positive thought first thing in the morning. Slowly, Susan discovered an ability to translate her heart words into written ones and more and more people began to receive Susan’s “Morning Inspiration” which is from where her book, A HEART’S LANDSCAPE, derived. Right now, especially with all happening in the world, Susan offers deep reminders with words and warm visuals – to take a moment and just pause – get away from the inundation and put the chaos away. Susan’s heart words and inspiring visuals guide readers to take a moment and escape all adversity and focus on carving out one joyful moment with the hope that it will lead to other good moments. You can read more about the author here.
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