One Ummah, Many Voices: The Beginning

One Ummah, Many Voices: The Beginning March 11, 2015

This is my introductory post.  I meant to write some wonderful reasons I joined the Patheos Muslim Channel and about my hopes and dreams but instead, I decided the best way for everyone to see what my blog is about is to jump right into it.

Do you ever miss Social Media for one day and feel lost?  Well, on One Ummah, Many Voices, twice a week, I will post articles/links/essays/videos/podcasts/etc. by Muslims or about Muslims.  I could post links about the many other things on the internet but then, honestly, I would never get off the computer and my toddlers would never see me.

So here it goes.  Bismillah, In the name of Allah!

Articles About Muslims:

As a native California Bay Arean, I take lots of pride in the news that Zaytuna College is now officially accredited.  I remember one of Shaykh Hamza’s first talks as at Chabot College in Hayward and am astonished and proud of all that he has accomplished since then. Read more about the accreditation in America Just Got Its First Accredited Muslim College

In an apparent attempt to boost falling ratings, Reza Aslan, along with Kamau Bell, will be joining CNN’s cable line-up. Aslan told the Science of Us a little more about the show  and how he ultimately wanted viewers to “experience the journey” with him.

So many articles asking if and Islam and Feminism relate to one another.  The most recent one is by Amitabh Pal called, “Can Islam Be Compatible with Feminism?” I’m glad he reminds readers not to paint us all with the same monolithic brush.

When I heard there was a mysterious arrow on the ceiling of a hotel room, I immediately knew what it was before seeing the picture of the arrow or where, geographically, the arrows were found.  It’s a Qiblah Arrow! It was cool to read a non-Muslim, genuine perspective on something I wouldn’t think twice about.

(image from Wikipedia)

A Catholic, Craig Considine, Sociologist and Speaker, writes about being attacked by Islamophobes because he wrote positively about the Prophet Muhammad (SAW).  So in his article, Why I Admire Muhammad: A Response to Islamophobes, he tells readers a little more about why he likes the Prophet.

Jennifer Zobair, author of Painted Hands, is co-editing an anthology called Faithfully Feminist: Jewish, Christian, and Muslim Feminists on Why We Stay bringing “together the voices of 45 Jewish, Christian, and Muslim women.” And recently the cover of the book was revealed. Excited about the launch later this year!

(image from

Articles by Muslims:

The last thing I need is a book recommendation.  But when I saw that Orbala had updated her Great Books on Feminism, I couldn’t stop myself from ordering at least one book and sharing this much needed knowledge.  Thank you.

Lecturer and Public Speaker, Marwa Azab wrote a powerful piece for Huffington Post called The Pains of Hijacking the Muslim American Narrative.  She writes about the Muslim American identity from a mother’s perspective.

Mehdi Hasan writes a thoughtful must read piece, How Islamic is Islamic State?  He writes, “The conventional wisdom suggests a violent reading of the Quran is at the heart of Islamic State’s political violence – but it’s wrong.”  If you must read one thing, make it be this remarkable analysis.

It is so rare to see a balanced, nuanced article about Malala and by comparing her to Che, Eren Cervantes-Altamirano takes the risk and writes critically about the well known young woman. From Che to Malala.

Last week, my timeline was filled with a clip of a Lebanese News reporter who apparently told off by a rude Shaykh. Needless to say,I didn’t click on the link.  However, I did read Nesrene Malik’s piece in the Guardian about it.  A female Arab TV presenter put a rude male guest in his place. So what?




A movie called Tug of War is coming out soon. I will reserve my judgment and instead provide the link to the trailer to form your own opinion:


Have a great weekend and remember to follow me at @muslimahmontage and let me know if you want to see something added to the next list!

Sabina Khan-Ibarra is a freelance writer and editor. She regularly contributes to her blog, Ibrahim’s Tree which she created after the loss of her infant son in 2011. She created Muslimah Montage as a platform for women to share their stories. Sabina currently lives in Davis, CA and working on her memoir. Follow Sabina on Twitter: @muslimahmontage

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