PantheaCon Journey, Day One

PantheaCon Journey, Day One February 17, 2011

PantheaCon Journey #1

Day one of my trip was filled with the mundane (flights), the lack of sleep, (worst seat on the plane) and the Magical, staying with a long time friend in Oakland. For obvious reasons I will skip on filling you in on the first two.

Arriving at my friend’s home in the middle of the night was transformative. After a day full of logistical concerns I was suddenly immersed in sacred space. As my friend opened the door to her home I was overwhelmed with the energy of the space. Dozens of little testaments to the Goddess fill the space. If I had to describe the ultimate “witchy” space this would be it. Every nook and cranny is filled with the magical and the artistic.

Being enveloped in this sacred space lead to the feeling of coming home to my tribe, my community, to where I belong. After a short nights sleep my friend fixed me breakfast, Yum! Our conversation turned to the Pagan communities tendency to use labels and how these can be counter productive to unity and limiting to individual growth. From labels that reflect traditions to those that identify sexual orientation we covered much ground.

It is hard to express how much I appreciate the ability to have deep and meaningful conversations with loved members of the Pagan Community. Living so far away from community has made me even more sensitive to how important this is.

This journey could not have started in a more meaningful way. I am home, grounded, open to the Goddess and all she has to teach me.

To my friend, and host, Thank You! You are truly a living Goddess.

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