June 16, 2011

Fire, it brings us warmth, safety and pushes back the darkness that we inherently approach with caution. This element that provides humanity so much is also a terrible and destructive force that can cause intense suffering and hardship when when invoked with reckless disregard.

More than three weeks ago two campers temporally walked away from their camp fire with little thought put into the force they had unleashed. Today the Wallow fire in Arizona has scorched more than 400,000 acres, burned dozens of structures and brought myself and many other fire responders to the point of total exhaustion.

This experience reminds my of the heavy responsibility and need for ethical standards for Witches follow when working with the elements. In a familiar reframe (Earth my body, Water my blood, Air my breath, and Fire my soul) we celebrate our ability to connect with the elements and move energy related to these natural forces. Do we, however, spend enough time considering that these forces need to be treated with respect, reverence, and responsible behavior?

With the smoke fresh in my lungs, mental pictures of those who lost their homes etched my minds eye and a sense of my own inability to significantly affect this disaster, I head of to the Pagan Spirit Gathering with a renewed sense of wonder for the natural world and what happens when humans abuse what the Goddess has provided.

I shall dance around the fire with great joy and respect, remember my magical responsibility and seek some time with Earth, Water and Air.

Peter Dybing

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