Two Steps Back, One Step Forward, Dancing with the Goddess

Two Steps Back, One Step Forward, Dancing with the Goddess July 13, 2012
Profound experiences are few and far between in my daily life.  Recent events, on my Pagan path, however have had an effect on the very foundations of my beliefs. My recent withdrawal from Pagan service positions gave me time to contemplate what the Goddess had peppered my future path with.
This was a great time for me, I have always been solitary and introspection has allowed me to perceive that my role is as a “Solitary Leader” not a community leader. Leading my own spiritual journey is my priority
What sounds like splitting hairs is for me a significant change in direction. Yes, I indend to speak eloquently, as I can, about the causes and priorities that I perceive to be important on my path with the Goddess. 
There will be time to write, love, dance with the Goddess, commune with Gaia and wallow in sacred laughter.  It is these times when I am touched by divinity, while still in service I will make time for these very special ecstatic experiences.
 I have given up positions of responsibility in Pagan Organizations to pursue a more personal relationship with the Goddess. Yet, I am still an activist at heart who is driven to make a difference in the world.
So my friends, if you hear my words, from time to time, and find your self intrigued, I invite you to also become a “Solitary Leader” on your path with the Goddess.  While there is great value in cooperative efforts what I need is not so much organizations, events or even followers but personal ethically driven relationship with the Goddess.  

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