Reclaiming My Patriotism-A Rant

Reclaiming My Patriotism-A Rant September 23, 2013

For decades I have witnessed the slow erosion of American patriotism. This once great nation has morphed its view of what is patriotic into a narrow-minded definition that features ignorance, bigotry, corporate dominance, and a culture of violence.
Across America individuals are flying the flag, declaring that:
“Real Patriots” are reclaiming our “Christian nation”.
That “real patriots” support unrestricted access to the guns that are killing our children.
That “real patriots” support unregulated capitalism
That “real patriots” oppose marriage equality.
That “real patriots” support the removing of the history of slavery from our schools.
That “real patriots” choose the well being of a small mass of cells over the rights of women.
That “real patriots” believe men have the right to control the bodies of women.
Well I have news for you, I am a Real Patriot and I am liberal. I believe in individual rights, equality, free speech, science based education, well regulated corporations, and unrestricted civil liberties. Your attempts to re define the word “Patriot” stinks of extreme right wing nationalism. You are in good company. From National Socialists in Germany to white supremacy groups and the West Boro Baptist Church you have lots of “idols” to look up to in your struggle.
Today, I reclaim the title of Patriot. Real Patriots understand that extreme conservatives in this country have a long history of opposing every social accomplishment this nation has made.  Abolishing slavery, women’s suffrage, the civil rights act, access for disabled Americans were all opposed with the extremist assertion that granting rights to others somehow erodes the rights of those of privilege.
The time for these lies is over. Your sickening waving of the flag that you would so willingly erode the meaning of offends me. You are not the patriots, you are the haters, the narrow minded and the filth that has caused immeasurable human suffering in our nations history. By waving the flag in your attempts to restrict the rights of others you dishonor every brave American service member who has ever died for the concept of freedom.
I love my country for its’ history of acknowledging an ever expanding definition of justice, freedom and equality.  I am a Patriot and I will confront your desecration of the American march to social Justice at every turn; for Patriots you are not

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