The book that was inspired by the readers and contributors of The Staff of Asclepius is now on sale.
Rooted in the Body, Seeking the Soul: Magic Practitioners Living with Disabilities Addiction and Illness
An Anthology Edited by Tara Miller
Now 50% off the cover price with $5 shipping and handling a total of $15
It is also available on Kindle at for their price.
To purchase Rooted in the Body, Seeking the soul use PayPal. Visit your PayPal account and send funds, $15, through your PayPal balance or bank account. Send payment to [email protected]
A limited number of copies are available so please purchase your copy today.
One purpose of this anthology is to help people find comfort in the fact that they are not alone. Some of the authors turned to a magical practice as a way to find healing and the anthology includes rituals and stories about healing. Covens, circles, temples or any other type of magical group can use it as a resource toward understanding members or potential members with disabilities. There are interviews with professional counselors, such as Drake Spaeth, about assisting Pagans and magic practitioners that’s useful to anyone in the medical profession. Editor Tara “Masery” Miller is a Gaian Neo-Pagan who has been practicing for eighteen years. She has a minor in Religion with a focus on mysticism from Southeast Missouri State University. Masery has Turner’s Mosaic, which caused a collapse of her endocrine system. She lives in the Missouri Ozarks with her husband Michael.
Here is what people are saying about the book:
“The book is dynamic with different voices and stories, such as Lady Cedar Nightsong’s experience with kitchen witchcraft and handicraft magick or Lydia Crabtree’s inspiring piece called “Turning Disability into Opportunability”. The different outlooks and journeys as well as the different forms of writing can be helpful to someone navigating a life with disability or addiction. It covers a broad scope of disease including parenting disabled children to difficult pregnancies and infertility. It offers many resources from organizations to helpful books and authors. A few of the stories mention meditation techniques or specific practices to follow or certain goddesses to invoke and tips in psychic shielding. Miller offers her heartfelt experiences, explores the importance of medical ID tags and the origin of the symbols used on the tags.” Nicole Pippin
“This book changed my life. The writing is so diverse and beautiful… I appreciate Tara Miller for including sexual trauma and a healing ritual, that was not gender biased. Eric DuPree contribution’s Healing Our Cries is my favorite piece, and his story is something I can relate to. Men are victims too! This ritual to Hecate really helped me begin the healing and transform my life from victim to survivor. So greateful to have this!” The Toure on
“Reading this book has brought me to that uncomfortable realization that a lot of the things that I get caught up in arguing about simply do not matter, not when there are quality-of-life concerns being faced by others. I am excited to see this book hit the market, and I hope that others like it will follow.”