July 9, 2013

I will sing of stately Aphrodite, gold-crowned and beautiful, whose dominion spans from the heart of Cyprus to the hearts of all men! I call upon loud-roaring and reveling Dionysos, primeval, two-natured, thrice-born, Bacchic lord, savage, ineffable, secretive, two-horned and two-shaped! Hail the gods and may they find this Hellenic-style ritual to their liking. Read more

July 5, 2013

Is ritual about entertainment or the experience? Perhaps the latter can't be reached without the other? Read more

July 1, 2013

While having a great deal of respect and admiration for many of our national leaders and the documents and speeches that make up American Civil Religion, I am no fan of the institution. I love the symbolism of figures like Justice and Liberty, but the deification of words and men leads to a false sense of infallibility. Read more

June 26, 2013

I like to keep my posts squarely in the Pagan sphere, but there are times my inner snark just becomes too much to bear. Today has been a huge step forward for equality and civil rights. Politics in the United States are often round after round of disappointment, but today there was mostly joy. Sure, we have many more battles ahead of us to realize full marriage equality on a nationwide level, but we took major strides today. Read more

June 25, 2013

Shared ritual done in perfect love and perfect trust, the Earth's bounty, and a stroll at the seashore with the Goddess of the Surf nipping at my heels . . . . all of it was a huge reminder of why I'm a Pagan. I'm a Pagan because I love the Earth, I love my gods, and I love my friends and family. Perhaps you can do most of those things without being a Pagan, but I'm sure that I do them better because I am a Pagan. Read more

June 19, 2013

While the modern Devil is most certainly a Christian construction, he and his pseudonyms have occasionally made appearances in Modern Paganism. Read more

June 17, 2013

Modern Pagandom is a lot like a giant sandbox. There are some of us practicing Wiccan Rituals while eating cakes and sipping on wine. Another group consists of ladies singing songs of praise to the Great Goddess. Druids throw sacrifices into a fire and the Asatru honor their gods. There are lots of things going on in the Pagan Sandbox, and while we might not all agree on what game to play, most of us are willing to admit that we are in the same sandbox. Read more

June 14, 2013

The Pagan Blogosphere is generally a positive place where information is freely exchanged and the Pagan Umbrella litigated. However, be wary of those Holier Than Thou Pagans with their ancient secrets that cannot be shared and their sweeping edicts defining all of Pagandom. Read more

June 12, 2013

Superheroes as gods? You can do what you want, but my money is on dead rock stars. Read more

June 11, 2013

It's been a full of year of horn raising and cider chasing at Raise the Horns so it's time for a quick look backwards along with a big "thank you" to everyone who has made the past year possible. It's been a fun ride and we are only just getting started. Read more

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