January 3, 2013

In 40 years on this Earth I haven't learned very much, but I have cultivated a lot of opinions. Join me in some self indulgence as I address ritual, deity, horned gods, and buffalo chicken. Read more

December 28, 2012

Thoughts on the year in music, the future of Patheos Pagan, and the usual gripes and complaints about blogging. Seriously, I've had a great year, thank you all so much. Read more

December 19, 2012

The Bible says very little about the birth of Jesus, and what it does say is often contradictory. What's actually in there and is it literally true? Many people think they know the story of Jesus' birth, yet what they know is an amalgamation of story and tradition and is quite different from what the New Testament tells its readers. Read more

December 17, 2012

Yule has long been one of my favorite Pagan high holy days. There's a festive spirit in the air, and though most people don't know it, most of them are celebrating right along with us (even if it's a few days later). On the Winter Solstice we celebrate the return of the Sun and we do so with joy and love and devotion to our gods. Read more

December 14, 2012

I believe that my religious choice answers a lot of the big questions, but there are moments when it comes up lacking. Read more

December 13, 2012

Noah has more in common with King Arthur or Hercules than he does with any known historical personage. He's a character from the land of myth, but you'll never here that in the mainstream media. Why are certain mythologies considered true in a literal sense, and others assigned to the realm of fantasy? Read more

December 10, 2012

Friday brings yet another installment in Peter Jackson's translation of Tolkien to the big screen. Middle Earth is in my Pagan (and geek) DNA, and to say I'm excited is probably an understatement. Read more

December 6, 2012

About a year and a half ago I sat on a "Pagan Panel" with such luminaries as Selena Fox, Christopher Penczak, and Raven Grimassi. We were asked how the end of the Mayan calendar would affect Pagans. I answered honestly, "Well, when December 21st comes around, I'll probably be at the bar." Read more

December 4, 2012

Every year I hear the same refrain "Put Christ back in Christmas," and every year I shake my head. No one faith owns Christmas, it's a combination of various elements, some pagan, some Christian, and some cultural. Christmas is not yours or mine, it simply is, and it belongs to anyone who cherishes it. Read more

December 1, 2012

Are the "controversies" that inspire the Pagan Blogosphere actually the issues that we as a community are wrestling with on a day to day basis? Or is there just a small group of Pagans shouting at each other in some small corner of the internet while everyone else is at circle singing whatever chant we are all still allowed to sing together? Read more

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