September 21, 2012

One thing I truly appreciate about this particular sabbat is that it's not a "made up" holiday. Many holidays have rather dubious origins, but September celebrations are legitimately old. Read more

September 20, 2012

What can a piece of papyrus written in Coptic teach us about Modern Paganism? More than you think. Find out why Modern Paganism is growing more "orthodox" even as it becomes more diverse. Read more

September 18, 2012

You might have missed the announcement a couple of days ago, but Patheos recently launched an Astrology page over on the Spirituality Channel. The launch of the Astrology Page here is well timed personally because it’s a subject that’s been on my mind a lot the last few months. This summer I got into a little tangle (and not the good kind) with a friend and when it was time to put the whole incident to bed (and not in... Read more

September 16, 2012

(I have been to a lot of Pagan gatherings and have listened to a large and diverse number of Pagan voices, but the funniest of those voices has undoubtedly been that of Angus McMahan. His annual “Pagan Humor” presentations at the PantheaCon festival are always a highlight, and not just for me, but for hundreds more. In addition to being the funniest Pagan I know, I’m also a big fan of Angus-Land, his always hilarious blog. It’s an honor to... Read more

September 14, 2012

My faith is a constant presence in my life. It guides my beliefs and values and dictates my social calendar. It influences what I read, and it’s obviously on my mind when I sit down to write on this blog. When I look around my house there are reminders of my Paganism everywhere, from the multitude of Horned God statues that adorn the tops of altars and bookshelves to the art on my walls. Like the art on my walls,... Read more

September 12, 2012

Can a Satanist also be a Pagan? Maybe? Probably? Absolutely not? What's certain is that it probably depends on who you are talking to, on both sides of the spectrum. Read more

September 11, 2012

“And ye shall go out and proclaimeth my name on all that you see and do, and ye shall write it in every document for I am Pan, the god of all.” From the book of Arcadia 2:9 I’ve always felt that the gods and I were pretty secure in our relationship(s). Despite what’s at the top of this post, Pan does not require me to proclaim his name at all moments of the day, nor does he require that... Read more

September 7, 2012

What a would a "Pagan" ritual from 1899 looked like? Taking a few pages from Leyland's Aradia, Freemasonry, and the Golden Dawn we attempt to find out. Put on your favorite steam-punk costume and prepare for Witch Ritual 1899 style. Read more

September 5, 2012

It’s always frightening to me when people insert violent imagery into political appeals. It’s even scarier when the person delivering the violent imagery is a third degree black-belt known for kicking butt like Chuck Norris. Growing up I liked Norris. He was the star of horrible films like The Delta Force and was a real master of the martial arts. As a kid there are few things cooler than karate and B-movies. As an adult I’m frightened and disgusted by... Read more

September 4, 2012

I love football, which makes me normal in a lot of places, but not so in the Pagan Community. I'm sorry my wife is a football widow in the fall, but this is just who I am. Why do I feel so alone while watching something that tens of millions of Americans care about? Read more

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