September 3, 2012

(Since I blog on Patheos, people often ask me to review their books or music. When I feel as if I’ve read and listened to enough stuff, you end up with a page of music and book reviews. Some of the links here will take you to Amazon, but if you can, try shopping at your local New Age/Occult Bookstore. Enjoy, or not, it’s completely up to you.) BOOKS I guess I’m preparing myself in case Mitt Romney becomes President.... Read more

August 28, 2012

Unknown to most Americans, the country celebrates Eight Great American Sabbats. All of these sabbats represent the transition from season to another, even when they come dressed up in patriotic or religious clothing. See how many of the Great American Sabbats you already celebrate. Read more

August 26, 2012

Many people think that Llewellyn only publishes "bad" Pagan 101 type books, but that's not always the case. Sometimes, Llewellyn publishes really good, even important, work. Their job is not to please you or I, their job is to stay in business and make money. What's amazing about Llewellyn is that they sometimes manage to make money and please me at the same time. Read more

August 22, 2012

Ever wondered what books are "essential Pagan reading?" Prepare to disagree as I pick my top 5 and 10 others. Think you can do better? Leave your list in the comments section. Read more

August 21, 2012

(I’ve always been fascinated by the occult overtones of Rock and Roll and Heavy Metal. Generally, the occult trappings in rock are nothing more than window dressing, but they can still be worth exploring. Strange Days is a series chronicling the truth about the occult and Paganism in rock. Future articles will include looks at The Doors and Jethro Tull.) Long ago in the far far away known as the 1980’s there used to be music videos on cable (and... Read more

August 17, 2012

Certain books, musicians, and movies have led many to the Pagan Path. Paul Huson's "Mastering WItchcraft" is one of those books. Perhaps the first widely available work to list all the ingredients that go into a "Modern Witch" ritual, Huson's book was revolutionary. Still in print forty years after its initial publication, "Mastering Witchcraft" remains an important, if controversial, gateway to Paganism. Read more

August 14, 2012

Wrestling with the ghosts of Samhain in August has been a bit of a challenge, and while I don't think it's going to drive me mad, it does have me looking over my shoulder a lot more often than usual. Jason Mankey writes about the pitfalls of sharing your brain with a Samhain Ritual for an extended period of time. Read more

August 13, 2012

I managed a coffee shop for nearly ten years when I lived in Michigan. While most of us think of coffee shops as small slices of bohemia, the one I worked at was quite different. We were right next door to the Michigan House of Representatives, and even when the Democrats were in the governor’s chair there was a decidedly conservative bent to neighborhood. The store was also owned by two conservative Evangelical Christians. It was a strange mix of... Read more

August 10, 2012

Herne is a god, a folktale, and a ghost-story; he's also the only god who has ever explicitly expressed his displeasure with me during ritual. Adventures with Herne is a look into the origins of the god, and how I learned to appreciate him. Read more

August 7, 2012

How does one find the God? Perhaps the gods find us and we don't have much choice in the matter? Jason Mankey recounts his early experiences with deity and how ended up "raising the horns" above all else. Read more

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