May 7, 2010

If you have ever had a hard time wrapping your mind around the hot, passionate love affair that Love and War engage in, you need to watch this video and all is made clear. Lady Gaga’s Telephone – Afghanistan Remix Performed by soldiers from the 82nd Airborne unit stationed in Afghanistan, this video is a remake of Lady Gaga’s “Telephone”. The soldiers tease one another in sexually suggestive ways and seem comfortable doing so. Part way through the video more... Read more

May 7, 2010

Christians have the 10 commandments, and they fear retribution, the fires of hell and eternal damnation. But we Pagans do not believe in ‘the Devil’ and so I hear you ask what do we have as moral guidance. This is an important topic that needs addressing in the light recent crimes of abuse by religious leaders, the most recent that spring to mind , being a Christian priest and a Druid. However more thorough global enquiry would most assuredly reveal... Read more

May 6, 2010

Author’s note:  On this day, two years ago, I lost my best friend. I’m not sure what it says about me, or him, that my best friend was a cat. My friend deserves to be remembered. His story should be told and libations poured in his honor. Consider this an inadequate, but heartfelt, act of devotional offering from me to him. Before Zack’s death, I didn’t understand the deep connection between flowers and souls. So when I celebrated the Anthesteria,... Read more

May 6, 2010

I miss the rosary. I’ve been Heathen for close to fifteen years. I’m a priest, shaman, godatheow and utterly devoted to Odin and the other Gods. But I was raised Catholic and while I have no connection with that religion anymore, I miss some aspects of devotional regalia used to good effect within this religion. This article explores ways to adapt the rosary for Pagan or Heathen use. Read more

May 5, 2010

Being Pagan can mean your beliefs aren’t always easy to explain, even to other Pagans. Your beliefs and practices may span several Pagan traditions. You may have a private faith practice far different from your group practice. The complex plurality of Pagan religions can be unfathomable to outsiders. Take me for instance. My personal private practice is based on Celtic Reconstructionism and Hellenismos, but I’m also active in a Wiccan coven. These are three different Pagan religious traditions, yet I... Read more

May 5, 2010

Every religion and culture has an iconography which is uniquely it’s own, and the Northern Tradition is no different. Common symbols found in conjunction with this religion are the Valknut, the Mjollnir, the irminsmul, various runes, the unfortunately misappropriated swastiska, etc. But what do they mean? The Valknut, is one of the most traditional symbols associated with the Norse God Odin. Since ancient times this symbol has been used throughout Europe in association with the God known as the All-Father,... Read more

May 5, 2010

This article discusses several issues relevant to interfaith work, specifically the difficulties in building bridges between polytheists, pantheists, and monotheists. Read more

May 4, 2010

We all try to make our headlines pop. Make them more interesting than the next guys. However, this article in the Guardian has me livid. Tanya Gold gives her opinion on Witchcraft after stating a series of absurdities without context: “But still I feel an urge to defend the witches. Of all the silly religions – and I think that all religions are silly – I believe that witchcraft is the least dangerous and the most benign. It is also... Read more

May 4, 2010

You know the sound when your washing machine is off balance? That horrendous ka-WHUMP! that sounds as if a dead elephant landed on your washer? It’s a distinct sound that signals the problem to you clearly and immediately so you can correct the imbalance. Wouldn’t it be great if we had the same sort of signal when our life, or our Craft is out of balance? Despite classes during which I took copious notes on leading a balanced life, I’ve... Read more

May 4, 2010

For the first thirty years of my life “mother” was a four letter word. It brought to mind nothing but bitterness, pain, and a terrible anger. This impacted every aspect of my life, even perhaps most especially my spirituality. Oh, I honored Goddesses from the moment I consciously became a polytheist. I have a strong dedication to a specific warrior Goddess. I never, ever, called Them Mother though. This article explores why and how I was able to find a path to healing through a most unexpected source. Read more

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