Look & Find – The American Beech The Hammock Was Hung

Look & Find – The American Beech The Hammock Was Hung August 22, 2015

Look & Find the Critter in the Photo

'What I Saw While Hanging In A Hammock' by Rua Lupa. Gordon's Park & Dark Sky Preserve,The Great Freshwater Island, Ontario, Canada.
‘What I Saw While Hanging In A Hammock’ by Rua Lupa. Gordon’s Park & Dark Sky Preserve,The Great Freshwater Island, Ontario, Canada.

Highlight below for

Clue #1: Green & White with Black Stripe

Clue #2: Tree Frog

Clue #3: On Base of Branch

Submissions & Fun Alternative Title Suggestions for Game is Welcome

Every second Saturday is reserved for guest submissions.

Please include the species name & habitat in submission if you know it, along with the region of the world the photo was taken in.

Send Submissions to pathsthroughtheforests (at) gmail (dot)

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