Read Our Post Introducing What Paths Through The Forests Is About
The Writers of Paths Through The Forests
Rua Lupa (“Rua”) is a Naturalist, Saegoah, Permaculture Designer and Bioregionalist. Rua was raised on a small farm in the boreal forest of northern Ontario, Canada and now lives on The Great Whitestone Isle of the Lake Seas (Great Lakes). Delving into learning about their ancestry led Rua to becoming involved in the Reformed Druids of North America and the Anishinabek (Ojibway) traditions and teachings.
Learning more of their cultural heritage, studying the cultures that are/were closer to the land and ways to emulate them, along with a naturalistic perspective, led Rua to following a path they had called Ehoah – the word stemming from the different sounds of breathing and was given the meaning ‘complete harmony within Nature’. With this outlook and approach Rua obtained a Wildlife Technician Diploma, had been a board member of Bike Share Algoma, founded, ran and organized the Sault Community Drum Circle, invented the Borealis, Australis, and Globus Kalendars, became certified as a Permaculture Designer and tinkered with many skills from glass working, welding, and drafting to advanced wilderness first aid, life guarding, canoe tripping, winter camping, and orienteering. Better described as leaning toward a jack of all trades, master of none, Rua is a self described leech for learning more about these skills and new ones. Being told of having too many hobbies receives a familiar shrug as Rua carries on with their latest fascination and experimentation toward Ehoah.
Click here to read Rua’s articles and
Click here for articles specifically on Creating Harmonious Connections within Nature
To learn more about Rua’s personal naturalistic journey – read this series:
Ritual & Ceremony of a Naturalistic Saegoah
Part 1 of 3 – Why I do Ritual and Ceremony
Part 2 of 3 – When & Where I do Ritual and Ceremony
Part 3 of 3 – What & How I Do Ritual and Ceremony
Lupa Greenwolf (“Lupa”) is an author, artist, naturalist and sustainability geek in Portland, OR within the watersheds of the mighty Columbia and Willamette rivers. Growing up in the rural Midwest, she was that child who was always grubbing around in the woods, turning over rocks to find garter snakes, and catching sunfish with salami in a tiny creek. As she grew older, the nonhuman natural world became integral to her sense of self and well-being, and she entered into paganism seeking deeper connections to what she found to be sacred. After almost twenty years of exploring traditions, rituals, and structures, she has come back full circle to being most comfortable and connected through simple awe and wonder at the world around her.
She is the author of several books on totemism and other nature spirituality; more information is available in the Publications tab of this blog. She has been incorporating hides, bones, and other organic materials into artwork since 1998; through this practice she is able to reclaim materials that might otherwise be discarded and give them a better “afterlife”. In 2011 she earned her Master’s degree in counseling psychology with an emphasis on ecopsychology and ecotherapy, and in 2013 became certified as a Wilderness First Responder (WFR). Professions aside, nothing makes her happier than being outdoors, and she is an avid hiker, camper, environmental volunteer, and explorer of her world. More information about Lupa, her writings and art, and her personal blog, may be found online at