Finding God in Beauty, in the Poor, and in Suffering

Finding God in Beauty, in the Poor, and in Suffering September 21, 2009

I will not be able to file a daily report today, alas, but in lieu of a report I want to offer the following:

First, at the Evangelical Portal at Patheos we are discussing God and the environment.  Along those lines, Scott Sabin, Executive Director of Floresta, a development and deforestation organization, reports on the economic devastation that environmental change has brought to the poorest of the poor.  A sobering piece and well worth reading, especially for those who are skeptical of the environmental movement.  Find it here.

Second, we have an excellent article from Fletcher Harper, Executive Director of GreenFaith, on finding God beneath your feet and not above your head.  Check it out.

And finally, on another note, I want to share the testimony of Dr. Bill Stuntz, a Harvard professor and friend to many of my friends.  I will have the honor of hosting a panel with Dr. Stuntz soon.  He has suffered severe chronic pain for years, and was recently diagnosed with terminal cancer.  An incredibly humble man with an incredibly moving testimony.  Listen to it here:

Dr. Bill Stuntz Testimony

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