Michael Spencer, "Internet Monk," RIP

Michael Spencer, "Internet Monk," RIP April 6, 2010

Michael Spencer, known to many as the “Internet Monk” or “iMonk,” was a Baptist pastor and the proprietor and author of one of American Christendom’s most well-trafficked blogs.  Yesterday, word went out that he had passed away, succumbing finally to the cancer that had tormented him for months.

Michael gave an interview to Patheos back in May of 2009.  It was one of the very first pieces run at the Evangelical Portal.  We had been in conversation about further collaborations when his cancer was diagnosed.  His life took a very dramatic turn, then, as he lost his job and health insurance due to his inability to work.  His final months were trying, but Michael still sent notes now and then to the blog, such as this one.

Probably his most well known and influential piece of writing is his reflection on “The Coming Evangelical Collapse.”

You can see some remembrances here.  Michael was only 53.  His forthcoming book, Mere Churchianity, is on pre-order.  Our prayers are with Michael’s wife, Denise, and his two daughters.  Our hope is in the resurrection.

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