Breakfast Links for 12/05/12: Smell the Catastrophe; Your Doctor’s Scared; Architect of Pain

Breakfast Links for 12/05/12: Smell the Catastrophe; Your Doctor’s Scared; Architect of Pain December 5, 2012


Dwight Longenecker, Patheos: “Wake up and smell the catastrophe. It is all much further along than you think. Remember the Nazis did not start out with thugs in leather boots with swastikas and skulls on their uniforms. They started with legislation by an elected government–legislation put in place by professionals in white coats who quietly began to weed out the mentally disabled, the infirm and the unfit.”

Dr. Sreedhar Potarazu, Fox News: Seven Things That Scare Your Doctor About Obamacare

Joe Carter, Patheos/Joe Carter’s Commonplace: “Like Lincoln’s associates, many of our fellow citizens appear to fall for the notion that a change of name causes a change in essence.”

Peter Wehner, Commentary Magazine: President Obama, Architect of Pain

Owen Strachan, Patheos/Thoughtlife: “Cultural engagement does not allow us to live with blinders on; it forces us to confront the raw data of evil.”

Dana Millbank, WP Opinion: The Open (and Mostly Shut) Administration

Sam Stein, Huffpost Politics: GOP Plan “Out of Balance”



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