October 17, 2016

There are a lot of different camps clustered under this big tent known as Evangelical Christianity. The idea of Evangelicalism as a single tent is more a theoretical idea than a practical one, as I suspect there never was a place and time in which we great-great-great grandchildren of the Protestant Reformation in which we were ever truly united. At this point in our history, if there ever was a tent, it has stretch to the point it no longer... Read more

October 15, 2016

The Jewish feasts. The Christian calendar. Which one should form our worship? The answer isn’t so simple. As I noted in Moments & Days: How Our Holy Celebrations Shape Our Faith, it behooves us all to learn a little something about each calendar – and then begin allow the rhythm of one to shape our discipleship journey, one day at a time. I’m offering in this space one small, do-able step here in this space you, your family, small group,... Read more

October 13, 2016

When I was the communications director for Christ Together/Chicago, the thing I loved most about the job was collecting and sharing information about events (prayer gatherings, conferences, speakers, service opportunities) that people in the area might not otherwise discover. Last week, I passed on information in this space about the Kesher Forum. I realize I have readers all over the US and beyond, so the local focus isn’t necessarily pertinent to all of you. However, even if you live in... Read more

October 6, 2016

I appreciate the unique ministry of the Kesher Forum. This Chicago-area monthly lecture series is a place where people can come to hear from respected teachers and writers from the Christian and Jewish community about the Jewish foundations of Christianity, Jewish perspectives on Christianity, current issues facing the Jewish community, interfaith relationships, and more. Evangelical Christians are the primary audience, but the Forum draws its audience from a variety of backgrounds and faith traditions. The Kesher Forum has been in... Read more

October 5, 2016

A group of academics gather for a theology conference. Papers and panels have been vetted in advance of the event, and conferees move from session to session listening to presentations. There are books to be purchased, break-out sessions and dinners and meetings to attend. After the conference, the academics head back to their work in universities, colleges, Bible schools, and churches. They carry home with them some food for thought, an armload of new books, and perhaps a few new... Read more

October 2, 2016

In conjunction with the release of the movie Denial, a movie based on a true story about a journalist who was taken to court for libel by a Holocaust denier, some Patheos bloggers were asked to tackle the following question: Does faith prevent or propagate intolerance, and should someone have the right to deny the veracity and historicity of your faith tradition? Before I came to faith in the resurrected Jesus the Messiah, I denied the veracity and historicity of... Read more

September 26, 2016

I was once told that the study of history doesn’t really make sense until we’re adults. Grown-ups brains have the ability to form connections between events, synthesize information, and assess meaning in a way that younger minds aren’t physically able to do. To be clear, this doesn’t mean that younger students shouldn’t study history. Familiarizing them with names, dates, places and most importantly, stories lays an important foundation they carry into adulthood when they can begin to make meaning out... Read more

September 25, 2016

I long for clear direction for my journey with God, but more often than not, my pilgrim’s road trip resembles the twists, turns, and switchbacks of a labyrinth walk. Read more

September 22, 2016

Since Moments & Days released three-ish weeks ago, most of the questions I’ve fielded from Christians have to do with the Jewish calendar portion of the book. (The book also covers the Christian calendar, but this one is more familiar to these readers.) So many people are interested in being more intentional about learning about the Jewish and Christian calendars, but don’t quite know where to start. I’m very happy I can commend a resource that offers a thoughtful historical and... Read more

September 19, 2016

It’s possible over four decades of church attendance that I may have missed the larger messages about the “Why?” in many of the sermons I’ve heard about the way in which believers are to steward their money, time, and spiritual gifts. We who are involved in discipling ministry (which is all of us who follow Jesus) may find it a worthwhile exercise to consider the way in which we talk about stewardship of these resources. As I reflect on what... Read more

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