3 Weak Arguments against Contemporary Worship Music

3 Weak Arguments against Contemporary Worship Music July 20, 2016


Bad Argument #3: I don’t like it. Seriously, who cares? The person you’re having the discussion with probably won’t, and they can always respond with, “But I do!” The question of what music we should use in worship is fundamentally about meaning, not preference, so arguments based on personal taste are off-base to begin with.

Reframing this discussion:
-We need to be careful that we don’t plan worship around the entertainment appetites of the masses. We’re not here to get butts in the seats, but to send out a healthy church for the good of the whole world.
-Offering multiple services with different worship “styles” to accommodates divides a congregation, and sends a message to worshipers that they should seek to be entertained, catered to, and not tolerate anything that doesn’t engage them on a sensory level.
-Worship is about meaning, not preference.
-The discipline of worship requires us to engage our minds, not just our emotions.
-Is this music well-written for the voice, or is it written purely in a performance genre?
-Is it a worthy vehicle for the message of the gospel?

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