If your blog is on this list, please consider using the animated gif image located at the left or one of the gif images at the bottom of this post with a link back to our blog (The gif doesn’t animate on Patheos, but if you save it on your computer and upload it to your blog, it will). We would greatly appreciate it. Our list is solely based on Alexa’s 3 month global traffic rankings checked on February 26, 2018. Why only use Alexa? In blogdom, the only thing that matters concerning rankings is traffic. Traffic is currency in blogdom. Alexa is one of the best sources for estimating website traffic (depending on who you ask).
Alexa does not provide traffic rankings for subsites and subdomains. Thus, Patheos’, Christianity Today’s, The Gospel Coalition’s, Think Christian’s, and Reel Spirituality’s rankings are not going to be accurate since the Alexa number is based on the whole site’s traffic and not merely the pop culture sections.
We’re sure we have left out some blogs that should be on this list. We tried to only include blogs from evangelical Christians who are considered orthodox, and who interact with pop culture often. If you think we’ve left a blog out that should be listed or if you think we’ve included a blog that should not be listed, please either comment or email Jared Moore at [email protected].
Here is our list of the top 50 Christian Pop Culture blogs: