the only thing that would make this better

the only thing that would make this better February 16, 2012

Me: K- will be here around 6:45 tomorrow.
Matt: What! Why!

Me, startled: To watch the children.
Matt: At 6:45?! Why?
Me: So we can go to IV, because I have to give the talk…
Matt, collapsing with relief: Oh. Oh. Oh that’s good. I thought you meant 6:45 in the morning.
Me: She’s going to bring some laundry, as payment.
Matt: What? I’m all done with the laundry! Why is she doing laundry?
Me, continuing startled: She needs to do some laundry. Its the least we can do.
Matt: Oh, Oh Oh, good. I thought you meant our laundry. She’s going to watch our kids, and do our laundry.
Rolling on the Floor Laughing Out loud
Matt: That’s the only thing that would make watching our kids better! Thanks so much for watching our kids, that’ll be 20 bucks. What? We agreed 20 bucks.
He’s still laughing. I’m going to bed.

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